Superfighters Deluxe Wiki
Missing Superfighters Information

Superfighters contains Uzi but missing information about it in this page. It is under construction and should be edited to include its full information. If it is still under construction for a long time, please contact staff of this wiki.

Mag Size 25
Extra Mags 1
Damage 4.5 HP
Fire Rate 0.075s
Critical Chance 1%
Critical Damage 4.5
Rarity N/A

The Uzi is an automatic Secondary weapon.


The Uzi is not immediately available to the player at the start of the brawl, it is more or less an impulse grab. It is more useful than the Pistol, so if you are looking for a useful weapon to equip, in this case, the Uzi should do you well.

In one ammunition, the Uzi can easily land a single kill, however, it is ultimately a weapon made for suppression. The most likely scenario you would need to kill with it is when you have a weakened foe against you, and you are also unarmed.

The Uzi does more damage than the Pistol upfront, due to its high rate of fire. However, it has less accuracy, so the damage decreases more with distance than the Pistol and the Magnum.


  • The Uzi will sometimes not render when being held or aimed (this is also a common glitch with other Secondary weapons).


  • This weapon is called Uzi, but resembles the form of the Micro Uzi, a very compact version of its series.


Pre-release: Weapon added

Pre-alpha 1.4.0: Decreased damage

Weapons of Superfighters Deluxe
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