'This article is a work in progress, if you know more; update or correct it.
- Commands are used by proceeding with a '/'; then the giving command. Valid commands will be shown in the chat log (green text or some other indication); otherwise no chat message will appear. You can still see a message in the Console(F10).
- The commands and parameters aren't case sensitive.
- Players are indexed as 0 through 7. You can also use the index of a player for the [USER] parameter, The same can be done with the index for [ITEM(S)].
- Instead of the index 0, you can type "me" as the [USER] parameter. Ex: /give me 6 = /give 0 6
- The minimum to register the [USER] parameter is 2 characters, then it will search through players; and find a match. Ex: [The Law] 'Th(e)' and 'La(w)' will all work, but 'The' is common; so 'Law' is a better choice.
Player Commands[ | ]
These can be used by any player within the server.
/ HELP[ | ]
Lists all commands.
/ LEAVE[ | ]
Leave the server and return to the main menu. Does the same thing as ESC.
List all players by [index]-[name]. The index can change as new players join, players leave or the team layout change.
/ PING[ | ]
Show your current latency.
/ WHISPER [USER] [TEXT] (or / W [USER] [TEXT])[ | ]
Whisper (private chat) with [USER].
/ TEAM [TEXT] (or / T [TEXT])[ | ]
Chat with your team. [TEXT] will be colored corresponding with your team.
Host /Moderator Commands[ | ]
Only executable by the server host and the moderators, can effect game play.
/ KICK [USER][ | ]
Kicks [USER], but allows them to rejoin the game.
/ BAN [USER][ | ]
Bans [USER] (by IP), preventing them from rejoining the game. Banned players are listed in the "banlist.txt" file.
UNBAN[ | ]
For unban a person, you must go in Superfighters Deluxe files.
Click on banlist, delete the name and IP of player that you want unban and then you record the file.
Ends the game.
Sets the game's teams (after current match).
0 = Independant
1 = Blue
2 = Red
3 = Green
4 = Yellow
Example: /setteams 12121212
Shuffles the existing pool of teams; so all independent will have no effect.
When setting the parameter, the command doesn't include the current round.
/ MAP [MAP] (or / CHANGEMAP)[ | ]
Loads a new map (after current match).
/ MSG [TEXT][ | ]
A red message will apear in the chat. Useful for warnings and important things about the server and game.
[TEXT][ | ]
Shows a message in the chat log (red text) to everyone.
Using the format ([Heading]: [Text]), will display [Heading] in grey.
/ MAPS (or / SHOWMAPS or / LISTMAPS)[ | ]
Lists all of the host's available maps. ===/TIME [SPEED]=== this doesn't work can someone please find out what it is Causes the server to run at the desired speed. [SPEED] can be set from 0.1 (1/10 of the speed) to 2 (2 times the speed).
/ LISTITEMS (or / ITEMS)[ | ]
List all items by [INDICCE]-[NOMBRE].
1 Magnum | 15 5_Sec_Slomo | 29 Grenade Launcher |
16 10_Sec_Slomo | 30 Submachine Gun | |
3 Katana | 17 Bazooka | 31 Hammer |
4 Pipe_Wrench | 18 Fire_Axe | 32 Chair |
5 Tommygun | 19 Assault_Rifle | 33 Chair Leg |
6 M60 | 20 Grenades | 34 Bottle |
7 [punch] cannot be used | 21 Laser_Sight | 35 Broken Bottle |
8 Machete | 22 [kick] cannot be used | 36 Cue stick |
9 Sniper_Rifle | 23 Carbine | 37 Broken Cue Stick |
10 Sawed-off_Shotgun | 24 Pistol | 38 Suitcase |
11 Baseball_Bat | 25 Molotov Cocktails | 39 Silenced Pistol |
12 Uzi | 26 Flamethrower | 40 Silenced Uzi |
13 +25 | 27 Flaregun | 41 Baton |
14 +50 | 28 Revolver | 51 Pistol Plasm |
/ GIVE [USER] [ITEM][ | ]
Gives [USER] the desired [ITEM].
Ex: /Give 0 6 or /Give me 6
En concreto, en ningún Orden, SE Puede establecer Lo Que Los Jugadores de equipos comenzarán con; utilizando el nombre o índice.
Note: Items can be overwritten if they fall under the same category.
Ex) /setstartitems 17 24 3 15 25 >> Bazooka Pistol Katana 5SecSlomo Molotov_cocktails
NOTE: Setting one item wrong will cause players to start with everything except that item. If only one item was inserted, and misspelled, the players will start with nothing
Sets the amount of health players start with from 1 to 100 (1 health point to 100 health points).
/SETTIME (Slow motion)[ | ]
Sets the speed of the round. The lower the number, the slower the speed.
Ex: /settime 1, 0 = off
Ex: /settime 0,25 = a quarter of the normal speed
/SETTIME (Fast motion)[ | ]
Sets the speed of the round. The higher the number, the faster the speed.
Ex: /settime 1, 0 = off
Ex: /settime 2,0 = twice the speed
Removes the [USER]'s item; if they have one under [TYPE].
Note: The only options for [TYPE] are to remove an item by name, or by numerical category (not by index).
1 = Handgun (Slot 2)
2 = Rifle (Slot 3)
3 = Thrown weapons (Slot 4)
4 = Melee (Slot 1)
5 = Powerup (Slot 5)
Set the health of all the players when a round begins. It can be between 1 - 100.
Toggles infinite stamina/energy. 0 = false, 1 = true. /IE works too.
Toggles infinite ammo. 0 = false, 1 = true. /IA works too.
vd / INFINITE_AMMO 1 = true
/ CLEAR[ | ]
Resets the commands IE, IA, SETTIME, STARTITEMS, and SETSTARTHEALTH to their default values. And to clear, /CLEAR PING doesn't exists. It just reset the commands to 0 in the game.
Runs a script from user's Script folder (Usually C:\Users\Username\Documents\Superfighters Deluxe\Scripts) with the given SCRIPTNAME.
Stop a currently running script with the given filename. The script needs to be activated before with the /STARTSCRIPT command.
Reloads the scripts if they are updated or altered mid-game.
/ CHAT[ | ]
Toggles the chat. 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled
Only Host commands[ | ]
Adds the player to the mdoerator list. The player must rejoin the game for this to take effect.
Removes the player from the moderator list.
Trivia[ | ]
- Before version 1.1.6 users were left to discover (or be shown) all the commands.
- /LISTITEMS is missing weapons in ID places: 7 and 22. They are in fact kick and fists that cannot get unequiped since they are 'given' on spawn.
- Up until an unknown version of Pre-Alpha (After Pre-Alpha 1.1), all players on a server could use the /give command.
- Up until 1.8.8 Hosts were able to remove player's kick and fists.
- The moderator stuf came in Alpha 1.1.0