Superfighters Deluxe Wiki
Missing Superfighters Information

Superfighters contains Pump-Action Shotgun but missing information about it in this page. It is under construction and should be edited to include its full information. If it is still under construction for a long time, please contact staff of this wiki.

Shells 6
Extra Shells 6
Damage Player: 3.7x6

Object: 8

Max Fire Rate ~1s
Critical Chance N/A
Drop Chance Common

The Pump-Action Shotgun is a Primary Shotgun.


The Pump-Action Shotgun is an ideal shotgun for both close range and medium range. All the shots stay relatively close at farther ranges, and therefore has great damage output.

However, reloading is very slow because it reloads one shell at a time. To use this weapon best, make sure it has full ammunition when entering combat and you have protection or a safe area (where you can retreat to) to give yourself time to reload.


The Pump-Action Shotgun is a versatile weapon that excels in extremely close to medium close range distances. On the newer level of play, players will tend to directly move towards an opponent and shoot the gun from the him, completely contrasting its strength in its aimed shots. Proper movement would involve being a harder target to hit while up close with an enemy and shooting them to overpower and oppress their efforts. Avoid fighting players aware of your play style and stay unpredictable as you are easily blocked by melee weapons. Always keep bullets to their highest count as when engaging, it is possible to miss key shots.


Pre-release: Introduced

Pre-alpha 1.1.2: Tweaked damage and firerate (Blanket change, might not apply to this weapon)

Pre-alpha 1.1.5: Fire rate decreased

Pre-alpha 1.3.1b: Increased spread, decreased damage

Pre-alpha 1.4.0: Decreased spawn chance and ammo

Pre-alpha 1.6.0c: Slightly increased cooldown

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