Superfighters Deluxe Wiki
Mag Size 6
Extra Mags 1
Damage Normal:25HP

Object: 50HP

Fire Rate 1.3s
Critical Chance 50%
Critical Damage 35HP
Rarity N/A

The Magnum is the most powerful semi-automatic Secondary weapon available, added in Pre-Release.


Due to the Magnum's high damage output and accuracy, it is considered the most powerful Secondary in the game if used properly. It is capable of killing a healthy enemy with 3 or 4 shots.

The Magnum holds six bullets and has a slow fire rate. While the critical chance is 50%, it isn't as high as the critical chance for the Pump-Action Shotgun or Sawed-Off Shotgun in close combat. However, its high chance of knockback coupled with its damage gives it an edge at medium and long range combat.


Similar to the Sniper Rifle, the magnum has a slow recovery, meaning that you cannot sprint immediately after shooting. Be careful in close combat, because if the enemy dodges, they can have a chance to disarm you while you recover. Also, there's 50% chance that your shot will not be a critical, leaving you vulnerable.

Because of the Magnum's high critical chance, you can use this weapon to knock enemies off ledges. Also, shooting an enemy in repeated succession would ensure minimal retaliation, as the knockback would disrupt the enemy before they would be able to fire back.

Acquiring laser-sights would make the Magnum a perfect long-range "sniper". Though it would lack the damage of a normal sniper, it can prove to be more useful by knocking enemies off ledges at a range.

The Magnum can also be use as a sort of sniper


  • In the first Teaser picture of Superfighters Deluxe, the Magnum is featured in addition to the M60 and the Katana.
  • Similar to the Revolver and Sawed-Off Shotgun, the Magnum does not release a cartridge after each shot, but it will release all of them while reloading.


  • Pre-Release: Weapon added.
  • Pre-Alpha 1.1.5: Crit chance lowered from 65% to 50% and fire rate lowered.
  • Pre-Alpha 1.2.1: Fire rate lowered slightly.
  • Pre-Alpha 1.6.0c: Cooldown increased slightly.
  • Pre-Alpha 1.9.0: Accuracy made the same as that of the Pistol and Revolver.
Weapons of Superfighters Deluxe
Melee PipeWrench Pipe Wrench · Bat Bat · Machete Machete · Fireaxe Fire Axe · Katana Katana · Hammer Hammer · Baton Baton · Chain Chain · Knife Knife · Lead Pipe Lead Pipe · Chainsaw Chainsaw · Whip Whip
Secondary PistolNew Pistol (Silenced) · Uzi Uzi (Silenced) · Magnum Magnum · SFD FlareGun Flare Gun · SFD Revolver Revolver · Pistol1 .45 Pistol
Primary SawnOffShotgun Sawed-Off Shotgun · Pumpactionshotgun Pump-Action Shotgun(Riot) · SMGNew Submachine Gun · AssaultRifle Assault Rifle · Carbine Carbine · SniperRifle Sniper Rifle · M60 M60 · BAZOOKA Bazooka · SFD Flamethrower Flamethrower · SFD GLauncher Grenade Launcher · Submachine gun Tommy Gun · MP50 MP50 · Bow Bow
Equipment GrenadeEquipment Grenades · SFD Molotov Molotovs · Mines Mines · C4 C4 · Shuriken Shuriken