The Melee category links to the weapons below. These weapons take up the first slot of your gear on your HUD. While slightly slower than fists, melee weapons are a direct improvement for melee combat. These weapons can be used to block gunfire, and can also be thrown, which are two unique features that fists can't do.
Every non-makeshift melee weapon has 100 durability. Striking objects or another player's block, and blocking bullets, are actions that drain 4 durability from your weapon. Directly hitting another player drains 8 durability from your weapon. Throwing a melee weapon and striking another player (or having it impact someone after a fall) drains 20 durability from the weapon.
Melee weapon range is listed in "World Units" (abbreviated as WU). A WU is most easily seen on the map editor, as the "grid" will start you off at "8". This means that each side of a square is equal to 8 WU. For reference, a player's height is 20 WU.
Makeshift Weapons[]
Makeshift melee weapons are, unlike normal weapons, found directly on the map, usually as decorative items that turn into weapons. Most of these makeshift weapons will deal a large amount of damage, but break quickly. They can not be sheathed, so if you equip another weapon, you will drop the makeshift weapon. You can carry a regular melee weapon in your gear and pick up a makeshift melee weapon without dropping the regular melee weapon.
Pages in category "Melee"
The following 25 pages are in this category, out of 25 total.